
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just a few more days

25th Apr 2006
Just a few more days

Well, just a few days left until we move aboard. I attended the Offshore Emergency Medical training offered by Wilderness Medical Associates last week and weekend. Interesting class. Teaches lay people how to treat trauma and common illnesses when doctors and hospitals are no where in sight. We meet again with Baylor Travel Medicine (St. Luke's) on Friday morning to get scripts for the recommended drugs. Several antibiotics, epinephrine and some major pain meds, like morphine and Toradol. Curious to see what they are really willing to prescribe for us from the list that I faxed to their office this morning.

I just received a phone call from an old neighborhood friend and learned of the death of her husband. So very sorry to hear of his death. Bill and I think of them often because we had such a great group of people in that neighborhood back in the 1980s. This just brings home the reality of "do it now" because you might not be able to do what you dream of if you wait for the perfect time.

Still lots of last minute things to finish up this week. Bill used Maxsea and planned our route from St. Thomas to Grenada. That trip won't be as leisurely as we would like, but we will have 3 full weeks so it won't be too hurried. We must be in Grenada by May 31st so that Bill can fly back to Houston for work the first week of June. I will stay on the boat in Clarkes Court Bay Marina while Bill is at work. Anxious to finish up these last few days and get started.

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