
Thursday, June 1, 2006

Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou

31st May 2006 - 1st Jun 2006

June 1, 2006 Thursday Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou traveled 3.8 NM

12.27.405N, 61.29.237W

We motored over to Tyrrel Bay early yesterday morning. A large freighter arrived for the Hillsborough dock and we were anchored sort of in his way, so we pulled anchor and motored over to the next bay. We love it here.

Some of our readers have questioned where in the world Carriacou is located. Carriacou is a fairly small island just northeast of Grenada. It is part of the country of Grenada. It will be about a 45-50 mile sail from here to the marina we have reserved on the southeastern side of Grenada.

Last night we visited S/V SeaLoon, owned by James Looney and wife Noeleen. They have been cruising for about 10 years with their now-thirteen-year-old daughter, Nicola. SeaLoon flys a Texas flag and they dropped by our boat yesterday afternoon because we also fly a Texas flag, and invited us over for cocktails and snacks. Another couple, Rick and Sue Johnston, from S/V Panacea also joined us. It was a truly delightful evening, with great food, drinks and conversation. Swapped lots of "what we have done stupid on our boats" type stories.

Rick and Sue operate the WiFi service here in Tyrrel Bay. They have been here for about a year. They consider Carriacou "the land that time forgot." It is so peaceful here and the people are the friendliest of any island we have visited so far. Rick came over to our boat very early this morning and helped Bill with the SSB. We have not been able to get clear reception on the SSB. In exchance for Rick's assistance, Bill gave Rick a pair of hand-held VHF radios. We had two sets of hand-held radios and Rick didn't have any. So it was a good trade for both of us.

Rick also confirmed that our Pactor modem will talk to the SSB. He gave us a copy of Airmail, a program that we will need. As soon as our SailMail account is set-up, then we should be all set to send and receive text-only email via HF radio. Bill has applied for the SailMail account, but it takes minimum of a week for them to process the application. We will be gone from here by then, but hopefully Rick has shown Bill enough about this radio set-up that Bill will be able to operate it. If not, then we will try to find someone else in Grenada to get us novices operational.

Today is Thursday, so it is another laundry day. We are making water while running the clothes washer. But the desalinator makes water faster than the clothes washer uses it, so it works fine to perform the two processes simultaneously.

We have invited James, Noeleen, Nicola, Rick and Sue over to our boat tonight. Have no idea what we are going to feed them. There are no snack-type foods on this boat whatsoever, and no ingredients to prepare any type appetizer. We do have 3 bottles of wine, but no liquor or beer. Judy made a long shopping list for groceries and fresh produce (the only fresh produce onboard consists of 1/4 of one onion and 3 tangerines). Bill has gone into the little town to purchase a couple cases of beer---Kronenburg 1664 is really cheap here. Whatever food items he finds in the local village will determine our menu for tonight.

BTW, Judy discovered the perfect way to make tuna salad. We now buy tuna only in the foil packs. Just zip open a foil packet of tuna, add mayo and Heinz hot dog relish and chopped boiled egg. That is all you need. No more chopping celery, pickles, onion, etc., and adding mayo and mustard. Just a few spoonfuls from 2 jars, a pack of tuna, and use the egg slicer to "chop" the eggs. Done in about 30 seconds, and it tastes GOOD! Cannot believe it took so many years to figure that out.

We will probably re-name the boat next year when it is time to renew the documentation. Neither of us really likes the name "Security" but have not been able to agree on another name yet. Judy really likes the name "Red Sky" -- based on the old saying: Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky predicts good weather for the following day. Associated with this posting are a few photos of the red sky we saw here last night that I have not yet uploaded.

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