
Friday, June 19, 2009

New Grandson debuts

Damien William Rouse was born at 10:12 a.m. on June 18, 2009, in Houston, Texas, to our youngest son Aaron and his wife Lynn. BeBe (a/k/a Elisabeth) now has a baby brother!

Both mom and baby are very healthy and doing well. That means their family trip to Australia in August is a definite go. They will be visiting us and sailing near Cairns for almost 3 weeks in August, during which time BeBe will celebrate her 8th birthday and we will become acquainted with young Damian. Zachary, our first grandson from our eldest son Trey, will still be on the boat with us for most of their visit. So we will have all 3 grandchildren at the same time for a couple of weeks. We are excited and look forward to having a boat full of family.

Since he is named after his grandfather Bill (a/k/a Charles William Rouse), his Papa is taking the liberty of assigning the child's first nickname. The new grandson will be known to us as Damn Bill. Not sure how his parents will feel about that, so maybe this nickname will only be used outside the presence of the child.

Congratulations to Lynn and Aaron. And, BeBe, you are still our princess and will remain the only granddaughter so that status can never be threatened.

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