
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Follow-up on Saigon

Bill's younger brother, Theo, was in charge of building the George Bush Presidential Library at Texas A & M. When he read our recent blog about us trying to find the old US Embassy building in Saigon, he emailed us the following:

"Reading your blog brought back memories. I went to the Gerald Ford Library/Museum while I was building the Bush Library/Museum. The actual stairs to the embassy that the people were climbing up to get on a Huey helicopter are located in the Ford Museum. (See link under permanent exhibits. See leadership and diplomacy. Sorry--no links displayed here; do your own homework.) When I was there they were making this exhibit and we saw the stairs before it was completed. They were in the process of putting the helicopter in the building. We got some behind-the-scenes looks. Cannot remember how they got a hold of the stairs though. Have a great day."

So, how about that! Did not know that those "burned into memory" stairs were now located in the Gerald Ford Presidential Library.


  1. Hi Bill and Judy,

    It's Morgane and Claudie. Did you forget? We met at the Mékong Cruise. We hope you re fine. We love your website! I was talking about this to my father. He loves what you did.

    We hope to read a lot about you!
    See you soon.

    Claudie et Morgane

  2. Morgane et Claudie,

    Of course we remember you! Please keep in touch and remember that we hope to be in France in 2 years. You can email us at svbebe"at" anytime.

    Bill & Judy


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