
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Will be flying home to Texas in 2010 after all

Last year when we decided to keep the boat in Malaysia for a year so that we could do SE Asia land/air travel, we did not plan for both of us to make a trip home in 2010. Bill would make his annual trip home to Houston in November 2010 for the required VA medical examination and renewal of his prescription, but to save money I would remain on the boat in Malaysia.

At the time we made those plans we did not realize that one must attend to renewal of captains license and TWIC 6 months before their expiration. Both our USCG Merchant Marine captain licenses and our TWICs expire in May 2011. I had figured we would fly home from Egypt in late April 2011 to attend to those renewals. Ah-hah! The new information required that we reevaluate those plans.

Today we purchased round-trips flights from Langawi to Singapore and from Singapore to Houston, stopping briefly each way at Tokyo. We will be in Houston from October 27 until November 29. Hopefully, we can renew both our TWIC and Merchant Marine licenses during that time frame. This will still provide us ample time after our return to Langkawi to provision the boat and sail to Phuket for a few weeks before beginning those dreaded long passages to India and up the Red Sea.

So we do both get to enjoy our annual trip home in 2010 ---- just a bit earlier in the year than usual. We will celebrate Thanksgiving with the family this year instead of Christmas.

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