
Friday, April 22, 2011

Piracy Update from the Chief Engineer

Our congressman, Honorable Ted Poe, gave a speech recently before the United States Congress.  Below is a copy of his speech from the US Congressional Record.


  1. I respectfully suggest that a broader view be taken with regards to the Somali situation. At present there are at least 60 countries & several International organizations addressing the situation. There have been at least 5 U.N. Security Council Resolutions authorizing international action against Somali Pirates. There is the International Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia; specific States involved include the, U.S., United Kingdom, Denmark, Egypt, & Italy. Nato; Operation Ocean Shield. E.U. Naval Forces; Operation ATLANTA. The International Maritime Organization (IMO). U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. U.S. Department of State. And the Combined Maritime Forces Task Force 151, which has been under the Command of the U.S. Navy, Korean Navy, Turkish Navy, & Republic of Singapore Navy. If we step back and objectively look at this situation, this is the equivalent of a car load of Teenage Thugs armed with Molotov Cocktails out maneuvering the entire U.S. Special Forces. Piracy is the ruse, conditioning people of all Nations to the acceptance of single International Political/ Military Force is the objective.

  2. As proven by everything listed in your comment posting, a single International Political/Military Force is exactly what does not work.

    I infer from the final sentence of your posting that you believe there is a "conspiracy" to utilize Somali piracy to manipulate people worldwide to accept a multinational military force. I do not accept such a theory. Conspiracies involving 2 or more people seem to always go public.


  3. The Countries listed are not yet a single, or even regional body. Each of them still maintains some degree of soverignty and national identity. Often, things outside the purview of our reasoning or understanding are labeled "conspiracy". Only time will prove the notion true or false.

  4. It only takes one motivated nation to solve this problem however.

  5. Trey, totally agree...the US Marines were founded to solve piracy issues. It is a mathematical equation...

    X(marines) = O(Pirates)

  6. Just an observation. The last 2 posts seem to support the first post.

  7. It appears that the first Anonymous comment missed the entire point of the congressman's speech. The US can act unilaterally and that is what he is calling for. Forget this UN coalition nonsense that is not working.

  8. With all due respect to the Congressman. The speech was a verbose recap of a little history, some news clippings and a few notes passed on from his aids. Didn't read anything about a strategic plan or proposal, unless you consider the last 2 sentences a meaningful remedy.

  9. Anonymous, the Amazon River starts with a single drop of water. I am betting that the Congressman's effort with his speech before Congress was a lot more effort that most people have personally put into the piracy issue.

  10. Yes Bill, I will agree. If this situation was being handled at the State Congressional level, it probably would have been taken care of by now. All the Best.

  11. Hello!!! Honorable Ted Poe is NOT a State Congressman. He is our United States Congress Representative. His speech was before the House of Representatives of the US Congress.

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