
Monday, February 13, 2012


For 3 months last autumn we shared a rental car with a Swiss guy and a German couple.  It worked well for 3 boats to share the car because none of us need a car full time, although a car is absolutely necessary when berthed at this isolated marina.  I guess strictly speaking a rental car is not mandatory because buses are available to Famagusta at 0600 and 0700 with returns at 1100, 1300 and 1500.......a 2-hour bus ride in each direction with nowhere to place your purchases except in your lap.   And some people have walked or biked to the nearest village.  We don't bike and there is no way Bill will walk there.  For us, a rental car is required.  When we returned last week we could not arrange a new rental car because the Swiss guy was still away on a home visit.  He returned this weekend and hopefully we will be able to arrange another rental car in the next day or so. 

And our first excursion will be a drive down to Nicosia (Lefkosa) to the south (Greek) side of Cyprus......where we can purchase some real bacon.  Not the British style bacon that is really thinly sliced ham of some sort.  That is not bacon to us.  We want real bacon....American style smoked "streaky" bacon as the Europeans call it.   It is worth driving all the way to the other side of Cyprus in order to buy the right product.

Hope we get that car soon.  We also need hot chocolate for these cold mornings.  Another product only available on the south side.

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