
Monday, November 5, 2012

Antalya and Duden Waterfall

Tuesday and Wednesday, 23 and 24 October 2012
5th and 6th days of our group tour
As always, click on any image for larger view.
After a leisurely breakfast we checked out of the hotel and boarded the bus for 09:00 departure.  Today would be a very full day of driving.  Rather than return to Fethiye via the route by which we had arrived in Cappadocia we would be driving to Antalya on the coast.

Cave at Duden Waterfall

Several comfort stops and 8 hours later we arrived in Antalya to find rain.  Glad the rest of the trip had been clear weather; could not have been any more perfect.  We were supposed to go see a waterfall late this afternoon, but the rain changed those plans.  After the long drive I think we were all quite happy to have comfortable hotel rooms.  Kick back and watch a little more propaganda on CCTV -- Central China TV.  

Dinner was in the hotel restaurant, thank goodness.  We did not feel like going out and were happy to stay inside the hotel and make it an early night.

Bill inside cave at Duden Waterfall

The next morning dawned sunny and bright once again.  After breakfast buffet we loaded back into the bus and soon were at the Duden Waterfall, the site we missed the previous afternoon due to the rain.  

It was muddy and wet but not too bad.  There were stone pathways almost everywhere we went in this park and no rain fell on our little noggin heads, so all was good.

Stream at Duden Waterfall

This was not a big waterfall but we could easily see this being a very popular spot during the hot summer months.  We walked around and down to a cave of sorts that overlooks a large stream that was flowing quickly due to yesterday's rain.  We walked down one side of the water, over a bridge and back to the bus.  Pretty place, even with mud puddles.

Yivli Minare Camii (Fluted Minaret Mosque)
built in 1230 and is 125 feet high

We loaded back into the bus for the short drive down to the old harbor area of Antalya.  About half of the group accompanied Tas down to the old harbor.  I was done walking up and done hills and Bill was glad to hear me say that I was not participating in this venture down just to turn around and huff and puff back up that hill.  I have seen enough old harbors and Hadrian's Arches.  Didn't feel that I would be missing anything.  Bill was relieved and stayed with me.  He didn't want to do it either.

Look closely to find the old harbor wall just left of center

We walked around the old bazaar district of Antalya for an hour while the others did their thing.  And we enjoyed this a lot.  It was hot and we found a McDonald's for a cold drink.  Tas had warned us that we would not be stopping for lunch this day, so we bought a couple of apple pies at McDonald's to save for a snack during the comfort stop en route to Fethiye.  

A spice shop in the bazaar

Brass knuckles for sale outside a shop
It was funny walking through It 

 It was fun walking around the bazaar.  The merchants standing outside their shops would speak to us in German or Russian.  When we did not respond, they would switch to Turkish.  When we did not respond to that, they would switch to English spoken with a British accent.  When we responded in our Texas twang drawl they were really confused.  Not an accent with which they are familiar.  But when asked where we are from and we replied "Texas" every single one of them knew about Texas.

A  real sidewalk sale

At a corner near the entrance to the bazaar someone arrived and placed a bunch of stacks of clothes on the sidewalk in front of a business.  Within minutes a crowd of people built up.  They were selling clothing.  Looked like there were some real bargains going down and the clothing looked first class new.  But since we don't speak Turkish we stayed away.....sort of stood 50-ft away and watched.  Sure enough, within 10 minutes the police arrived and shut it down.  Wonder if this sort of thing happens frequently.

Really?  Viagra comes in a tea now?
Soon we met up with the group at the appointed location and once again boarded the bus.  Three and a half hours later we were in Fethiye, home sweet home aboard BeBe.

This was a really good trip.  I would recommend Koral Tourism to anyone planning such a trip.  They do know how to put together a good tour with good accommodations.  Thanks very much to Gwen on the yacht K.W. in Marmaris for arranging it .

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