
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Major change in plans

Well, the biopsy results are in and it is bad news that puts our sailing plans on hold for 6 months or longer.  Bill has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer.  Additional tests must be performed to determine if the cancer has spread to surrounding tissue or into bones.  After those tests are performed the doctors will decide which surgical procedure will be best.  Of course, we are anxious to complete the tests as quickly as possible since this is the aggressive form rather than the slow-growing form of prostate cancer.  At this point it appears that the earliest Bill can have surgery will be late February.  Then there will be several months of recovery before he will be able to travel internationally.

So, under the best scenario of the cancer being confined strictly to the prostate it looks like we will be in Houston at least until June.

We are so thankful to have met Riza a couple of months ago.  He is the Amel representative in Turkey and is located in Gocek.  We hope to engage him to handle receipt of our new sails which should be delivered within a month.  And he should be able to handle moving BeBe from Fethiye to Gocek when our berthing contract ends in mid-April.  BeBe can be hauled and stored on-the-hard until we can return to Turkey.

We are keeping positive thoughts and hoping for successful surgery and full recovery so we can return to our life on the water in a few months.


  1. Judy & Bill,

    This must be a very difficult time for you both. We really hate to hear news like this, but hopefully treatment will go well and life will get back to normal soon. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Much Love, Linda & Ed

  2. Hi Bill & Judy,
    I check in on your blog from time to time and noticed that you hadn't written for a while. So sorry to hear of Bill's diagnosis. We know there are several options for treatment and hope Bill's treatment and recovery are a total success. We've had a few friends go through the various treatments for prostate cancer, and they all recovered 100%, no matter which option they chose. Bill, we are sending you all our good thoughts and hope you and Judy will be back on board Bebe soon. Pura Vida from Costa Rica, Debra (& Richard) Sailing Cat Tango

  3. Hi Bill and Judy,

    Like Debra, I follow your posts regularly, because I am in the hopes of one day following in your footsteps. You and Bill are quite inspirational and it has been easy to develop a great respect for you both in reading your blog and your Circumnavigation and Amel Yacht Owner's entries. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the rest of us.

    I will add Bill to my prayers.


    Chelmsford, MA

  4. Hi Judy and Bill,

    We are the sailing couple in South Korea.
    We have a Beneteau 461 and live aboard and prepare the circumnavigation with Amel someday.
    Your Blog inspire us and gave us a lot of exprience.

    We are so sorry about Bills diagnosis but believe in a perfect recovery.

    Cheers and thank you

    We expecting see you guys in the ocean soon

    Peter and Sunmee S/V Vytis

    Tongyoung, South Korea

  5. Peter and Sunmee,

    Thanks so much for the note. It has been over 40 years since I was stationed at the Nike Hercules Missile Base near Yeoju, South Korea. Our first sailboat was a Beneteau 461. We now have the Amel Super Maramu.


  6. Dear Bill and Judy,

    all our very best wishes, Bill, for your upcoming treatment. We too have heard of nothing but success regarding procedures for prostate cancer. I'm sure you will be back on BeBe a.s.a.p.
    are thoughts are with you both
    Liz and Chris
    sv Zulia

  7. Hi Bill and Judy

    So sorry to hear your news. We have been following your travels for several years now and Bills sage words of advice have been invaluable at times. We hope for a speedy recovery and for you to be back on the water as soon as possible.
    Our thoughts are with you

    John and Deb SV Orion1 (Maramu #42)

  8. Bill and Judy, we're sorry to hear about your diagnosis and wish for a fast and successful recovery. We always enjoy your blog and appreciate all of the great contributions you have been providing over the years to fellow cruisers. Dave and Jan, sv Baraka, currently Simons Town, South Africa

  9. I hope everything works out well for Bill. I have really enjoyed reading your blog.

  10. Hi - just ran into your blog today, we are very new to sailing and love to read blogs to try to glean as much info as we can. I wanted to tell you my husband went through this in 2009. It was a very quick prostate cancer. He had the DaVinci robotic surgery that removed his prostate and 8 lymph nodes. It had already gone to 2 of the lymph nodes. He is fine, and has no problems at all. Best wishes to you both!!

  11. Bill & Judy:

    I was very sad to read your news. I have read your blog with a great deal of interest. I am several years and many, many miles behind you. I retire this month as Treasurer of a software company in Austin and have been looking at boats including the Amel. Thank you for sharing your considerable knowledge with those of us still bound to a desk.

    You have challenges ahead no doubt, but reports from others seem very encouraging. I hope and pray for a speedy recovery and we are able to meet on the water someday.

    -Bill Bohls


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