
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Living with constant stress and don't realize why?

Today I was lamenting on Facebook how very slow the internet connection is in the Skopea Marina in Gocek.  We had been spoiled recently with the ultra-fast internet connections while in Texas for 7 months, and are having difficulty adjusting back to the much-slower speeds of marina WiFi and our Turkcell 3G. A friend back in Texas commented that " You've got your beautiful scenery, history, islands, mountains, oceans, etc. You can't have it all." 

Later this morning I was reading the blog of a younger Canadian couple who just completed their first full year cruising in the Caribbean.  They returned home for a visit.  Her thoughts on the experience:

Coming back to land-lubbing life this past week, we've felt overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the Abundance that surrounds all of us, do you see it? 

It's made us feel a little bit lost and somewhat in limbo. This life of unfriendly stress-filled frowns, sterile pre-packaged life-in-a-box. Do you really NEED more so you can DO more so you can HAVE more so you can BE more? 

And so it goes.  Both these comments reflect our feelings.  

When in the USA we do feel the unsaid pressures of the stress-filled got-to-have-everything lifestyle.  Do the people realize how much self-imposed stress they allow to be put upon them by television ads and programming? I don't think they realize what is happening or how it is happening.  Bill and I each had to remind ourselves several times not to fall back into that habit --- we did not need (or need to want) things just to have more things.  Or eat at *THAT* restaurant because a television ad made it appear appealing. 

A society of consumption.  Please don't let us fall back into that trap.

It is so nice to be back out cruising again.  And that includes the occasional marina visit as we are enjoying for a few days.  Last evening we met up with friends Frank and Barbara Gladney on S/V DESTINY.  Also joining us for cocktails were Paul and Gloria on S/V SKALLAWAG.  We last saw both boats in Opua, New Zealand, early May 2009.  They are newly arrived in Turkey.  It was fun visiting with everyone.  And our pizza and salad dinner was wonderful.  Great restaurant choice, thanks to Frank!

Our outboard engine is in the shop and we plan to stay in this marina until it is repaired.   To go anchor would require swimming ashore to tie off a stern line.  Lots of people do that, but not us.  Bill wants a dinghy to take those stern lines ashore.  At a discounted cost of around $100 per day, we hope this marina stay isn't too long.   We would rather spend that money on other things.  Like renting a car and visiting Saklikent Gorge.    That is a day trip we are looking forward to enjoying.  


  1. I'm jealous that you are hanging out with Destiny. Can't wait to meet up with all of you this coming season. We are in the Canary Islands for now and are anxious to get into the Med.

  2. Our country does seem to be focused on instant gratification .. and abundance!

    You're back on your boat ... aaahh!


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