
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chilling in Barcelona

Base of the statue of Columbus on left with an
administrative building in background

Statue of Christopher Columbus.  His
raised hand points to the New World.

Nothing much going on.  

Here are a few photos taken in Barcelona but we have done no sightseeing yet.  Elisabeth wants to wait until her parents and siblings arrive next week, as she does not want to see the same things twice.  We have walked 10 blocks or so of the famous Rambla as that is where the ATM machines can be found. 

A DS and headphone music.  Makes her very happy.

As we are on shore power there can be almost unlimited video games and music, as long as she does minimum 2-hours algebra study online each day plus whatever chores we want done.  All her school reading and projects assigned for summer have been completed.  Wanted those out of the way before parents and siblings arrive so can concentrate on enjoying Spain with them.  

Being the ATM watch guard on the Rambla while
Bill makes a withdrawal.

I am looking forward to seeing the museum displaying the works of Pablo Picasso.  There are many museums in Barcelona, as well as many cathedrals; but probably the Picasso museum will be the highlight for me. 

We have been concentrating on boat-related things which will comprise a posting next month when finished.
Whoops!  Dismasted when run down by a freighter.
Must not have been keeping good watch.
Thankfully, no one was injured.

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