
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy Birthday to BeBe!

14th birthday photo

Happy 14th Birthday to granddaughter BeBe, a/k/a Elisabeth!  This year she celebrates her true birthday in Paris with her parents and siblings after sailing with us this summer from Malta and through Italy over to Barcelona, Spain.

Usually her birthday is celebrated aboard S/V Bebe but this year she left the boat a few days before her actual birthday.  But I managed to snap a photo of her in the traditional spot standing by the main boom just before she headed off for to board that train from Barcelona to Paris.  Little BeBe is growing up!!

She has been fortunate to spend 7 birthdays aboard and visited 12 countries with us: Bonaire, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Greece (twice), Turkey (twice), Montenegro, Croatia, Malta, Italy and Spain.  A well-traveled young lady who has seen a wide variety of cultures outside the USA.  Hope she has learned to appreciate the world in its entirety.

Elisabeth's 6th birthday in Bonaire

Barcelona, Spain
Elisabeth's 14th birthday
with 6-yr-old brother Damien

By the way, I see in comparing these 2 photos that little brother Damien, who 6th birthday was about 6 weeks ago, is the same size as his sister was at the same age.  Those of our family who think he is small for his age must be wrong.

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