10th Dec 2005
solar shield panel on genoa
experienced a tropical wave with gusting 50 mph winds while we were on the boat
in October, and the luff tape edge separated on solar shield panel on the
genoa. We had planned to replace that solar panel next spring anyway; so rather
than have the sailmaker repair the luff tape edge, we opted to replace the
panel now. The original panel was white (as shown in the photo on our main
page). But white and lighter colors do not hold up to UV damage as well as darker
colors. The boat is a slightly creamy color has black bottom and also has a
dark brown stripe around hull just below top edge. So we opted to replace the
solar shield panel in a dark brown color. Hopefully the dark brown will last
longer than the less-than-three years that the original white panel held up. I
have also purchased dark brown Sunbrella fabric to make hatch covers to use
when the boat is sitting in the tropic sun for the next several months. The
tropical UV causes the hatch lenses to craze, so we want to protect them from
the sun as much as possible.
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